5. 郑人买履 A Man of Zheng Bought Shoes (Dogmatists)

(zhèng) (rén) (mǎi) ()

一、原文 Original Text

(zhèng)(rén) (yǒu) () (mǎi) ()(zhě)(xiān) ()(duó) ()()(ér)(zhì)(zhī) ()(zuò)(zhì)(zhī) (shì)(ér)(wàng)(cāo)(zhī)()()()(nǎi)(yuē):“() (wàng) (chí) ()。”(fǎn)(guī) ()(zhī)()(fǎn)(shì)()(suì) ()() ()(rén)(yuē):“()() (shì)(zhī) ()()? ”(yuē):“(níng)(xìn) ()() ()(xìn)()。”


二、现代汉语翻译 Modern Chinese Translation



How many times did Jesus cleanse the temple?







CIU神学院Victor Cuartas教授说:神是有使命的神,神创造、救赎,并要在全地建立祂的国度。神被遗忘的使命就是宣教。宣教是神的救赎工程,也是神给教会的工作,神呼召我们宣教和传福音。在英文中,“使命”和“宣教”是同一个字。

正如Victor Cuartas教授所言:“创造”和“救赎”是神的两个使命。祂从创世纪一开始就创造了天地万物,并按照自己的形象造人(创1:26),神是慈爱的父,祂爱祂的创造物,为了与人类共享祂完美永恒的国度,但因为人类始祖亚当、夏娃被撒旦诱惑悖逆神,堕落犯罪,使人类与神隔绝。所以,神从一开始就设计了救赎人类的计划,因为“神爱世人,神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的不致灭亡,反得永生。因为神差他的儿子降世,不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因他得救。 ”(约3:16-17) 祂“不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改。”(彼后3:9)




1. 其内容指耶稣基督救赎人类的福音(约3:16-17);

2. 其工作是传福音、培训门徒,扩展神的国度(太28:19-20);

3. 其对象是天下的万国万民,是所有人(太28:19)。




3. 狐假虎威 The Fox Borrows the Tiger’s Power

()  (jiǎ) ()  (wēi)

一、原文 Original Text

() (qiú) (bǎi)(shòu) (ér) (shí)(zhī)() ()()(yuē):“() ()(gǎn) (shí)()()天帝(tiāndì) 使(shǐ)() (zhǎng) (bǎi)(shòu)(jīn)() (shí) ()(shì) () 天帝(tiāndì) (mìng)()() ()() (wéi) ()(xìn)() (wéi 先行xiānxíng suí hòuguān bǎishòu zhī jiàn érgǎn zǒu?”

() ()(wéi) (rán)() (suì) ()(zhī) (xíng)(shòu) (jiàn)(zhī) (jiē)(zǒu)() ()(zhī) (shòu) (wèi)() (ér)(zǒu)()()(wéi) (wèi)()()


二、现代汉语翻译 Modern Chinese Translation



三、英语翻译 English Translation

Once upon a time, there was a tiger looking for a wild animal to eat in the forest. The tiger caught a fox. The fox said hastily, “You dare not eat me. I was sent by God of Heaven to rule over the animals. If you eat me, you will violate the command of God of Heaven. If you don’t believe me, just follow me through the forest to see whether the animals are afraid of me.”

The tiger agreed, and followed the fox around the forest. The animals all fled for their lives when they saw them. The tiger thought all the animals were afraid of the fox. He didn’t realize that the animals were really afraid of him. So he let the fox go.

2. 揠苗助长 Pulling Up Seedlings to Help Them Grow

() (miáo) (zhù) (zhǎng)

一、原文 Original Text

(sòng)(rén) (yǒu) (mǐn)()(miáo) (zhī) ()(zhǎng)(ér) ()(zhī)(zhě)(máng)(máng)(rán) (guī)(wèi) ()(rén) (yuē):“(jīn)() (bìng)()() (zhù)(miáo) (zhǎng)()!” ()() ()(ér) (wǎng) (shì) (zhī)(miáo) () (gǎo)()

(tiān)(xià)(zhī) ()(zhù)(miáo) (zhǎng)(zhě) (guǎ)()()(wéi) ()() (ér)(shě)(zhī)(zhě)()(yún)(miáo) (zhě)()(zhù)(zhī)(zhǎng)(zhě)()(miáo) (zhě)()(fēi)() ()()(ér)(yòu) (hài)(zhī)


二、现代汉语翻译 Modern Chinese Translation



三、英语翻译 English Translation

There was a farmer in the State of Song. He was very worried that the seedlings in his field would not grow out. So one day, he ran into his field and pulled up on the seedlings one by one. After that, he returned home very tired. He said to his family,”Today I am exhausted! I helped the seedlings grow taller!” His son hurried to the field to see them. All the seedlings had withered!

Nick Vujicic

Since I entrusted my life to the Lord Jesus in 1990, I have heard many wonderful testimonies from Christians and they always encourage me to love God more. However, there is a person who not only has many wonderful testimony stories, his own life itself is the greatest testimony of this era. He is originally the one who need the most help from others, the one who had the most reason to complain, but he always encourages and inspires others. He is Nick from Australia.

葛温的故事 Antonio Gwynn

美国纽约州水牛城18岁非裔高中生葛温(Antonio Gwynn),看到上街示威的民众留下满地垃圾和碎玻璃,于本月1日凌晨2点拿着扫把并买来垃圾袋,独自一人打扫10小时,让街道恢复原貌。

葛温的暖举传开之后,27岁男子布拉克送给葛温2004年出厂的红色福特野马敞篷跑车。这辆车的颜色和型号跟葛温已故母亲的第一辆车完全相同。水牛城商人布莱斯兰也透过自己的保险代理机构,为葛温提供1年的免费汽车保险。 此外,葛温原本打算高中毕业后先存钱再继续升学,不过现在水牛城的麦戴尔大学给了他全额奖学金,让葛温可以在今年秋季入校修读商学,完成自己未来开清洁公司的梦想。得知消息后,葛温哭泣落泪。


来5:11-14 “论到麦基洗德,我们有好些话,并且难以解明,因为你们听不进去。看你们学习的工夫,本该做师傅,谁知还得有人将神圣言小学的开端另教导你们,并且成了那必须吃奶、不能吃干粮的人!凡只能吃奶的,都不熟练仁义的道理,因为他是婴孩。唯独长大成人的才能吃干粮,他们的心窍习练得通达,就能分辨好歹了。”



1. 什么样的基督徒是婴儿基督徒?





2. 什么是长大成熟的基督徒?






尽意爱神Love God with Your Mind

申6:4-9 “以色列啊,你要听!耶和华我们神是独一的主。你要尽心、尽性、尽力爱耶和华你的神。我今日所吩咐你的话都要记在心上,也要殷勤教训你的儿女。无论你坐在家里、行在路上,躺下、起来,都要谈论。也要系在手上为记号,戴在额上为经文。又要写在你房屋的门框上,并你的城门上。”



然而怎样爱主呢?圣经教导我们要“尽心、尽性、尽力”。我自己一直不太理解“尽性”的意思是什么,直到有一天我的牧师大卫讲道说:Love God with your mind! 我忽然明白了:爱主要用我们的头脑、智慧、智力,不能盲目地爱、错误地爱。这就需要我们常常被圣灵引导,并深入研读圣经,更多、更深地理解上帝的话语,然后才可能行出上帝的旨意来。


张宇红Marie 2020.2.10

Colossians 西 3:16-17

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (NKJV)


1. 守株待兔 Waiting for a Rabbit by a Stump

(shǒu) (zhū) (dài) ()

一、原文 Original Text

(sòng)(rén) (yǒu) (gēng)(zhě)(tián)(zhōng) (yǒu) (zhū)() (zǒu) (chù) (zhū)(zhé) (jǐng) (ér) ()(yīn) (shì) () (lěi) (ér) (shǒu)(zhū)() ()() ()() ()() ()()(ér)(shēn)(wéi) (sòng)(guó) (xiào)


二、现代汉语翻译 Modern Chinese Translation

守株待兔:宋国有一个农夫,他的田里有一个树桩。 有一天,一只兔子飞快地跑过来,撞到树桩上,扭断脖子死了。这个农夫白白地得到一只兔子,非常高兴。于是,这个农夫放下他的犁耙,天天坐在树桩旁边等候,希望能再得到兔子。兔子没有再来,而他自己却成为宋国人的笑柄。

三、英语翻译 English Translation

Once there was a farmer in the State of Song. His field had a tree stump. One day a rabbit ran over quickly and hit the stump. The rabbit twisted its neck and died. The farmer was very happy to get a rabbit for free.

So the farmer put down his hoe, and sat next to the stump all day long. He hoped to get more rabbits for free. However, the rabbits never came, and he became a laughing stock of the Song people.

Angels Singing in the Mountain Village

The Cultural Revolution, which started in 1966, was one of the darkest periods in China’s history. Many families were torn apart, and many people died. Yet even in the midst of such a dark period, many enjoyed heavenly peace and joy through the grace and mercy of God. Two church elders and a young man Brother Xu from the Mountain Village told me the following true story in my home, in January of 2007.

The village was located on a high, steep mountain, with a small brook flowing through it. It had a population of only about five hundred people. It was poor, backward, and spiritless. You could always find some people from the village standing at the top of the mountain looking into the distance hoping for someone to come, but rarely did anyone even pass by.

Before what is known as “Liberation”,when the communists came to power in 1949, there was a pastor in the county in which the village was located known as Pastor Yang. One day as he was praying, the Holy Sprit strongly worked in his heart, “Go to the Mountain Village and preach the gospel!” Pastor Yang didn’t know anyone in the village, but he immediately took some rice and a torch and quickly went up to the Mountain Village. He spent a few days trying to talk to the people of the village, but no one was interested in what he had to say, nor did anyone open their home to him. He finally returned home, quite discouraged. After many months had passed, during his prayer time, the Holy Sprit touched his heart again: “Go to the Mountain Village and preach the Gospel!” Again, he rose quickly and went up to the village. This time, there was a man named Liu who received him into his home. Liu accepted Jesus that night and encouraged his whole family, including his daughter, to believe.

Later, the daughter married a man from the Qiu family in the village. She brought the gospel to the Qiu family. A young man from the Qiu family became the first preacher in the village. He constantly preached the gospel to the people until the gospel had spread throughout the village. More than half the village became Christians before the Liberation.

Then the Cultural Revolution started. The leaders from the country encouraged the people of the village to criticize each other and expose each other’s crimes. The young people in the village formed two groups of the Red Guards. The two groups often fought each other over trivial matters. People were constantly getting hurt. The people of the village grew to hate each other more and more and finally broke off all relationship with each other. Another young man from the Qiu family was one of the Red Guards.

Qiu’s parents were preachers in the village. Although he was born into a Christian family, and had prayed to receive Jesus, he didn’t really believe in God. He was a Red Guard, often gambled, got drunk and got into fights. He was also a heavy smoker. Because his parents were preachers and most of the village people often went to Christian meetings to worship God, he sometimes attended their meetings, although unwillingly. He felt that Christians were odd, and he often laughed at them behind their backs.

One day, the village elders invited a preacher to come to the village. Most of the village went to the meeting. Qiu’s parents asked him to attend, but he made an excuse saying he had to take his children to his mother-in-law’s home. That afternoon, on the way back home, he heard voices singing worship songs. He looked around but didn’t see anyone. He thought that it must have been his imagination; however, as he walked on, he continued to hear the singing. From above, from behind, on his left, and on his right, everywhere was singing. He kept looking around but still could not see anyone. He felt it was miraculous, so he decided to go to the meeting that night.

When he arrived at the meeting, he chose a seat at the back and sat down. The preacher was preaching from Romans 3:23-24, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Suddenly, he heard the Word and understood it. He had attended meetings many times before but had never really listened. He had always scoffed at Christians in his heart. But this time he realized he was truly a sinner and worse than most of the people there.

After the message, everyone kneeled to pray. He also knelt, and immediately felt wrapped in warmth. His heart became soft and open and he began to weep. His tears flowed uncontrollably until finally he began wailing loudly. He knew he was a dreadful sinner and had hurt many people in the village. He was horrified by his sins.

A brother put his hand on Qiu’s shoulder and said, “You have been gripped by the Holy Sprit. Confess your sins to God and He will forgive you! Whatever you have done wrong, no matter how bad, confess them to the Lord, and He will forgive you!” He remembered many bad things he had done, and he cried out for God’s forgiveness. Then he remembered his cousin, whom he hated more than anyone else, because he had turned against him by taking his enemy’s side during the Cultural Revolution.

Qiu called the brother and asked: “Can you please tell my cousin to come here?” His cousin came. Qiu told him, “We were such good friends when we were kids. But I have hurt you a lot these past years. Will you please forgive me?” His cousin was deeply moved by his words, and said, “I forgive you! I forgive you!”

Then his cousin realized that he had also hurt others. He asked some people to call the ones he had hurt. When they came, he confessed his sins to them and they forgave him also. Finally, the head of the village and the head of the Red Guards also repented and confessed their sins. Almost everyone in the village came to the meeting that night. Many people fell to the floor and lied there for hours praying and weeping before God. The meeting that night became a time of confession and repentance. On that day, the people of the village began living in harmony and peace with each other. During one of the darkest periods in Chinese history, the people of the Mountain Village enjoyed their happiest time on earth. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:14)

On that day, the people of the Mountain Village began gathering together daily for prayer and worship. Because signs and wonders happened constantly, more and more Christians came from other places to attend their meetings. One day, a sick man was carried to the village. At times he was normal but other times he had severe seizures and felt as if there were many insects climbing on his chest. He had gone to many doctors and spent all his money, but no one could help him. Every time a doctor examined him, they couldn’t find anything wrong with him, or didn’t understand what his problem was. Then he was carried to the Mountain Village. A few brothers fasted and prayed for him day and night, but there was no change. The more the brothers prayed for him the more severe his seizures became. Finally, God revealed to a brother that the sick man’s sins had not been dealt with; he could not be healed. So the brother told him to go home and repent for his sins and to lead his whole family to the Lord. On his way home, suddenly, the sick man was cured and his mind became clear again.

During that time, there were often angels singing in the sky over the village. People often heard the singing, yet couldn’t see the singers. Many people went out every day to listen to the angels’ singing. Children danced to the music. Many middle aged and elderly men and women sang the spiritual songs and danced also. “The glory of the Lord shone round about them” (Luke 2:9).

The leaders of the county heard about what was happening. They sent people to interfere. But every time when they were on their way to the Mountain Village, they suffered terrible stomachaches. They couldn’t even stand. They ended up going back home. This happened several times, until they finally gave up.

The Mountain Village has since disappeared, because half of the people went abroad to preach the gospel, and the rest moved down from the village because the government started to construct reservoirs nearby. The people of the village are now spread throughout the world. Qiu’s children went to Europe and became preachers. Decades have passed, and most people in the hilltop villages are still preaching the gospel around the world. They maintained that warm first love for God and for man. This God is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of their fathers and the God of their own.









他坐在最后一排。讲员当时讲得是罗马书3:23-24 “因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀。如今却蒙神的恩典,因基督耶稣的救赎,就白白地称义。” 他生平第一次认真留心地听道,感觉自己原来只会嘲笑别人,自己实在也是个罪人。











        近代基督教的宗派主要有三大宗派:天主教、东正教、新教。大家熟悉的基督教新教宗派主要有:路德会、长老会、卫理公会、圣公会、循道会、浸信会、五旬节会、神召会等等。如今在美国兴起一个新的宗派,即弥赛亚教。虽然已经有十几年了,但如今却开始兴旺发展。单是美国北卡我去过的弥赛亚会堂就有六家: Hope of Israel Congregation,Sha’arei Shalom Synagogue,House of Israel,Antioch International Church,Sid Roth Ministry,Nazareth Church。这个宗派主要是由信耶稣的犹太人建立或带领的,其实最初的教会都是弥赛亚教会,是今日教会的根源,后来因为外邦教会支派发展极其繁荣和茂盛,因此将一些外邦习俗带入教会,并固定下来,因此犹太信徒的会堂就被忽视或淹没了。如今,这一支派在美国开始蓬勃发展,称为“Messianic Congregation”(弥赛亚会)或Messianic Judaism(弥赛亚犹太教)。



        弥赛亚会堂使用的诗歌多为犹太信徒自己创作的,主要是一位犹太美国信徒Paul Wilbur 创作的诗歌,他的诗歌《Shalom Jerusalem》(平安,耶路撒冷!)也是众多国内信徒喜爱的,他们也用一些基督教堂常使用的诗歌。在讲道方面,弥赛亚教注重讲解圣经,虽然有主题式六经注我的讲道内容,但重点还是我注六经式的讲解圣经。拉比讲经新旧约融会贯通,让你切实感到新旧约是一体的,而不是分割开的。这一点非常吸引喜爱圣经的兄弟姐妹们,所以有越来越多的基督徒进入弥赛亚会堂。








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