主日童歌 Sunday School Songs(歌词)

Berea Monthly Bible Reading Plan(PinYin)











(zhǔ) (dǎo) (wén)

()(men) (zài)(tiān)(shàng)(de) ()

(yuàn) (rén)(dōu) (zūn)()(de)(míng) (wéi)(shèng)

(yuàn) ()(de)(guó) (jiàng)(lín)

(yuàn) ()(de)(zhǐ)() (háng)(zài)()(shàng)()(tóng) (háng)(zài)(tiān)(shàng)

()(men) ()(yòng)(de) (yǐn)(shí)(jīn)() ()(gěi) ()(men)

(miǎn) ()(men)(de) (zhài)()(tóng) ()(men) (miǎn)(le) (rén)(de)(zhài)

()(jiào) ()(men) ()(jiàn) (shì)(tàn)

(jiù) ()(men) (tuō)() (xiōng)(è)

(yīn)(wéi) (guó)()(quán)(bǐng)(róng)耀(yào)(quán)(shì)()(de)

(zhí)(dào) (yǒng)(yuǎn)(ā)(men)














我祈祷 愿祢引导他不求安逸,相反,经过压力、艰难和挑战,学习在风暴中挺身站立,学会怜恤那些在重压之下失败的人。求祢塑造我的儿子,心地清洁,目标远大。使他在指挥別人之前 先懂得驾驭自己。永不忘記过去,又能伸展入未来。                       



Build me a son, O Lord,who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid. One who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.
Build me a son whose wishes will not take the place of deeds. A son who will know Thee and that to know himself. This is the foundation stone of knowledge.

Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort. But under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenge. Here, let him learn to stand up in the storm. Here let him learn compassion for those that fail. Build me a son whose heart will be clear, whose goal will be high. A son who will master himself. Before he seeks to master other men; One who will reach into the future, Yet never forget the past.

And after all these things are his. Add, I pray, enough of a sense of humor. So that he may always be serious. Yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, So that he may always remember: The simplicity of true greatness, The open mind of true wisdom, And the meekness of true strength.

Then, I, his father will dare to whisper: “I have not lived in vain.”


1. 迦南人的罪恶到底有多大?








2. 战争问题是你死我活的问题


3. 神的公义




4. 滥竽充数 Be There Just to Make Up the Number

(làn) () (chōng) (shù)

一、原文 Original Text:

()(xuān)(wáng) 使(shǐ)(rén) (chuī)()() (sān)(bǎi)(rén)(nán)(guō) (chǔ)(shì) (qǐng) (wèi)(wáng) (chuī)()(xuān)(wáng) (yuè) (zhī)(lǐn)(shí) () (shù)(bǎi)(rén)(xuān)(wáng) ()(mǐn)(wáng) ()(hào) ()() (tīng)(zhī)(chǔ)(shì) (táo)


二、现代汉语翻译 Modern Chinese Translation







创世记 创造

(chuàng) (zào)

()(chū)shén chuàngzào tiān

()()(tiān)(shén) (chuàng)(zào) (guāng)(fēn)(kāi) (guāng)()(àn)

()(èr)(tiān)(shén) (chuàng)(zào) (tiān)(kōng)(fēn)(kāi) (tiān)(kōng) ()(shàng)(de)(shuǐ)() (tiān)(kōng)()(xià)(de)(shuǐ)

()(sān)(tiān)(shén) (chuàng)(zào) (zhí)()(qīng)(cǎo)(cài)(shū) ()(shù)()),(fēn)(kāi) ()()()(hǎi)(yáng)

()()(tiān)(shén) (chuàng)(zào) (tài)(yáng)(yuè)(liàng) () (xīng)(xīng)(fēn)(kāi) (zhòu)()(dìng)(jié)()

()()(tiān)(shén) (chuàng)(zào) ()(lèi) () (niǎo)(lèi)

()(liù)(tiān)(shén) (chuàng)(zào) (dòng)()(shēng)(chù)(kūn)(chóng)()(shòu)() (rén)

()()(tiān)(shén) (shè)() (ān)()()(shén)()()(gěi)()()()(dìng)(wéi) (shèng)()








十诫 Ten Commandments

(shí)  (jiè)

1.  (chú)(le)() ()(wài)() ()() (yǒu) (bié)(de)(shén)

2.  ()() (wèi) ()() (diāo)() (ǒu)(xiàng)

3.  ()() (wàng)(chēng) ()()(huá) ()(shén)(de)(míng)

4.  (dāng) ()(niàn) (ān)()()(shǒu)(wéi) (shèng)()

5.  (dāng) (xiào)(jìng) ()()

6.  ()() (shā)(rén)(móu)(shā))。

7.  ()() (jiān)(yín)

8.  ()() (tōu)(dào)

9.  ()() (zuò) (jiǎ)(jiàn)(zhèng) (xiàn)(hài)(rén)

10. ()() (tān)(liàn) (rén)(de) (fáng)()()()() (tān)(liàn) (rén)(de) ()()()()(niú)() (bìng)      ()()(qiè)suǒyǒude

1.  除了我以外,你不可有别的神。

2.  不可为自己雕刻偶像。

3.  不可妄称耶和华你神的名。

4.  当记念安息日,守为圣日。

5.  当孝敬父母。

6.  不可杀人(谋杀)。

7.  不可奸淫。

8.  不可偷盗。

9.  不可作假见证陷害人。

10. 不可贪恋人的房屋,也不可贪恋人的妻子、仆婢、牛驴,并他一切所有的。


“该隐”这个词的意思是“得到”(创4:1)。他是亚当夏娃的长子,本应该更认识神,更有责任心和能力,但他却成为杀亲之人。约一3:12说“不可像该隐,他是属那恶者,杀了他的兄弟。为什么杀了他呢?因自己的行为是恶的,兄弟的行为是善的。” 因此我们知道该隐最终归属撒旦,永远沉沦了。


  1. 轻忽神的话,不按照神的话语行事

首先我们看到该隐从一开始就非常轻忽上帝的话语,不按照上帝的要求献祭。该隐的献祭为什么不蒙神悦纳?来11:4说:“亚伯因着信献祭于神,比该隐所献的更美,因此便得了称义的见证,就是神指他礼物作的见证。他虽然死了,却因这信仍旧说话。” 圣经里的信心是什么呢?不是指人的自信,而是指听到上帝的话语并顺从。显然该隐没有按照上帝的话语行事,所以上帝说他行的不好(创4:7)。

2. 因妒生怒,迁怒于人


3. 再次拒绝上帝的话语胜过罪恶,反而变本加厉,错上加错,以至于杀人

4. 受到神的惩罚之后仍不悔改,推卸责任、继续犯罪

5. 永远与神隔离


香料和香草 Spice and Herbs


(luó)()     basil               (bǎi)()(xiāng)    thyme
薄荷(bòhe)      mint                ()(dié)(xiāng)    rosemary
(niú)(zhì)     oregano             (shǔ)(wěi)(cǎo)     sage
(ōu)(qín)     parsley              (guì)()       cinnamon

6. 刻舟求剑 Carve Boat for Sword

() (zhōu) (qiú) (jiàn)

一、原文 Original Text

(chǔ)(rén) (yǒu) (shè)(jiāng) (zhě)()(jiàn) ()(zhōu)(zhōng) (zhuì)() (shuǐ)() () ()(zhōu)(yuē):“(shì) ()(jiàn) (zhī) (suǒ)(cóng) (zhuì)。”(zhōu) (zhǐ)(cóng) () (suǒ)()(zhě) ()(shuǐ) (qiú) (zhī)(zhōu) () (xíng)()(ér)(jiàn) ()(xíng)(qiú) (jiàn) (ruò)()()() (huò)()

—— ()()(wéi)()(shì)(chūn)(qiū)·(chá)(jīn)

二、现代汉语翻译 Modern Chinese Translation

刻舟求剑:楚国有个人渡江,他的剑从船里掉入水中。他急忙在剑掉下去的地方刻了一个记号,说:“这儿是我的剑掉下去的地方。” 船停下来以后,他便从自己刻记号的地方跳入水中去寻找剑。船已经向前走了,而剑没有。像他这样找剑,岂不是太糊涂了吗?

Berea’s Testimony

I was born in the lakeside hospital in Wenxi, Shanxi of China. I especially like the name of my birthplace “Wenxi” which means “heard good news”! After I was born, my father still worked in another city. My parents couldn’t move together. Only my mother took care of me,yet she still had to work. She was a middle school Chinese teacher. At that time, no one dared to hire a nanny, so my mother often put me alone on the big bed at home. I often cried and cried at home for hours and I was famous far and wide. Later I would crawl, and it was even more dangerous. My parents had to hand me over to my grandparents to raise me. When I was less than one year old, my grandparents took me to their home to raise me.

My childhood was the most brutal era in our history, the Cultural Revolution. Many Chinese families were broken during that time and many people were killed. But we were in a hidden place. I only remember that one time my dad brought my brother and me to the city. All of a sudden we heard many gunshots. My father quickly told us to hide and pushed us under the table. After the gunfire stopped, my father rushed us back to the village, my grandparents’ home.

When I was seven or eight years old, I went back to the city to live with my mother. Later, after studying hard for several years, I graduated from high school and went to Peking University. After I got my BA, I entered graduate school, also at Peking University. My dreams were being realized one by one, but I was not happy. I was not satisfied. I was heading toward studying for a PhD, but I could not see that the road ahead would be any different. So I gave up. Romance became the new idol in my life. But I failed at romance miserably. I felt life had no meaning, and I lost my appetite. My mind was exhausted, and my body became very thin. In 1998, after I graduated from graduate school, I went to one of the farthest cities from Beijing, the city of Shenzhen. I worked in the university there, where I taught Chinese students modern Chinese literature and taught foreign students Chinese.

Shenzhen is the city beside Hong Kong. It was the first city in China to have a free-market economy. Foreigners started to come to China to visit and study. So some Christians came from Hong Kong to Shenzhen to study Chinese in my school. I was their teacher. For two and a half years, all my students were Christians! All of them shared the gospel with me and gave me Bibles and a lot of Bible materials. They were always very friendly. Their stable and friendly attitude impressed me. One of my students and his wife invited me to their house for dinner and prayed for me. But I rebelled a few days later.

At this time a new student, Alicia, arrived at the university. She was a single Christian from the Philippines. She approached to me too. She spent a lot of time listening to my troubles, so I opened my heart to her. One day, she said to me, “You know your life is very unhappy. Why don’t you leave the darkness and come into God’s kingdom of light? Can I pray for you?” I thought, “I do not know how good God’s kingdom is, but I do know that the way I’m going will not getting better.” So, I decided to allow Alicia to pray for me. When I closed my eyes, Alicia laid her hands on my head. A warm sensation flowed through my body, and deep peace came into my heart. This peace was so deep that I almost fell asleep! Alicia said to me: “You go ahead and sleep; I’ll leave and lock the door for you.” I fell asleep and slept like a baby, like I hadn’t slept for a long time! I hadn’t had a good sleep for several years. Alicia came to visit me twice a week to answer my many questions. She also taught me the basics of the faith. Since then, my life has completely changed. Jesus Christ has become my Guide and the Lord of my life. Later, I learned that Alicia always fasted and prayed before she came to visit me. She persisted in this for a long time until I had completely turned my life over to the Lord.

After I believed in Jesus in 1990, I met one of my student’s good friends, an American. We got married in 1991. I became a United States citizen in three months in 1992, and we went back to Hong Kong and Shenzhen. We attended the Revival Christian Church in Hong Kong. I went through a lot of spiritual healing and we often knelt down at the altar before God, crying out with tears, confessing our sins, and receiving the wonderful love of God. We often caught the last subway back home. We were full of the joy of the Lord every day.

In 1995, our first son was born in Hong Kong. In 1998, our second son was born in Shenzhen. We started to attend a house church in Shenzhen. The pastor was very good at training disciples. He had a very systematic training program. He and his wife and in-laws counseled us in all aspects of our lives: marriage, family, parenting and so on. My husband and I began to lead a small group. In 1999, I returned to Beijing with my husband and sons. We began making disciples. We baptized more than 100 Chinese in our family’s bathtub. We built a small church. At the same time, we attended the largest international church BICF in Beijing for 14 years. For the last three years at BICF we served on their lay leadership team. Also, for seven of those years, I also managed a Christian bookstore in Beijing. In 2013, we returned to the United States, and in 2014, we went to Jakarta, Indonesia to teach for 2 year. In 2018, I entered CIU Seminary to study the Bible.

I’ve been longing for years to go to seminary to study the Bible for a couple of reasons. First, because while leading a Bible study group in China for many years, I found that the popular Chinese translation of the Bible has quite a lot of verses with unclear meanings. Second, because God spoke to me in a dream 15 years ago. In my dream the end time was coming very quickly. Everything was in a state of emergency. I asked the Holy Spirit in the dream, “What should I do?” The Holy Spirit replied, “Go to your home! Study the Bible!” I woke up very puzzled. I thought, “If the end is coming so soon, what’s the use of studying the Bible?” Now I feel there is nothing more important than knowing the Word of God. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). If we do not know the Word of God very clearly and deeply, how can we really understand His will? As the Word of God says, “The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).





亚伯拉罕相信神将赐给他一个儿子,他的后裔将如星星那样繁多,他一直耐心地等候,但却没有等候到最后,而是在妻子撒拉的错误推动下,与妾生子。亚伯拉罕、撒拉和夏甲,因为血气的冲动,违背神而制造了两个家族以后几千年的仇恨,但上帝并没有抛弃他们,在他们人为制造的混乱当中,给他们指出一条蒙恩的道路:耶和华的使者对夏甲说:“你回到你主母那里,服在她手下。” 又说:“我必使你的后裔极其繁多,甚至不可胜数。”(创16:9-10)而且,“耶和华按着先前的话眷顾撒拉”(创21:1),使撒拉怀孕生子;后来以实玛利长大,面对撒拉和夏甲之间的对立,上帝又让亚伯拉罕听从妻子撒拉的话,打发夏甲和以实玛利离开,并应许以实玛利的后裔也要成为大国。







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